Mom and Dad (I've recently dropped the last couple letters from "Mommy" and "Daddy") took me to the pumpkin fair in Irvine park where Poh Poh used to take Mom when she was a little girl. Ah Yi even came to meet us!

We had a junk food picnic. Mom ate Taco Bell that
made her sick, and I looked for birdy feathers.

I played on all the pumpkins, but I liked this one best. Dad didn't buy it for me because he didn't want to lug that damn thing all over Irvine.

But he did buy me a ticket for the jumpy, boy was that fun! I jumped until I got tired, then Mom gave me a juice box that I sucked down in one gulp.

Look at how tall i'm getting! Pretty soon I'll be getting into bars without being carded!

Then I played scarecrow for a while.

We all went on a train ride around the park. I was pretty tired
by then, though, hence the lack of interest on my face.

Then Dad and I fed the ducks for a while. They liked my stale goldfish crackers.
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