Wednesday, January 23, 2008


of course i'm happy. i'm about to eat!!

if i could just figure out how to get over this rail...

daddy's not so sure he likes the fact that i can pull myself up on things.

since i've become so mobile, they want to cover the entire house in these alphabet pads.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

'round the house

having fun bouncing on the bed

i don't want my room full of toys . i want the books!
almost crawling!

duck for dinner

crab for dessert

high five!

delila mae

I finally got to meet Delila, who was born 2 days after me. She was so much fun. omg i think we're going to be bff and make all the little boys cry. Savor this photo, you'll never see this much cute in one place again. Well, at least until the next time we're together.

finally, someone who speaks my language

so she's bigger than me, but i scored some really cute outfits.

auntie amy took this picture. i love it!
she took this one too. she should come around more often.

these pjs are awesome. there are kitties on my feet! thanks D!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Goodbye Gummy Bear

I've been a busy girl.
The bad news is daddy had to retire the nickname "gummy bear."
The good news is...

i've got a tooth! i love to bite things. mostly professor bear and mommy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

happy new year!

Happy 2008!
my resolutions are to crawl, walk, talk and eat a hamburger

This was me ringing in 2008

Daddy was in charge of me on New Year's Eve while Mommy went to work. It was fun, he let me eat cookies, crawl around half naked and pee in the bed on Mom's side.