Wednesday, July 23, 2008


nana went home on tuesday... i miss her so much! but grandpa is coming on saturday. i haven't seen him since i was a little girl. this is my room. still a mess, but mommy will get to it soon. the house looks like it is finally getting finished. the contractors have been working on it for over 3 months and i still haven't seen that housewarming party that was also supposed to be my birthday party that they promised.
saving for college, i think. all i know is that it's fun to drop these things into the gourd bank that nana got me.
having some lunch at the chicken pie shop before going to the zoo
these things were scary! i don't think i liked the zoo very much

Saturday, July 19, 2008

new house

what a hectic month it has been!
so much new stuff to get into, so many new places to explore and so many new ways to get in trouble, i can't keep up. i've hardly even had time to update my blog!
nana came to visit and help us with getting situated in our new house. her main job was to keep me out of trouble while mom and dad worked on stuff around the house. nana bought me so many toys and books since she has been here. i hope she never leaves!
these cabinets are much easier to open than our old ones!
so far, this is the only room that is really clean and unpacked.
i hang out here a lot
this is my favorite part of my room. it's like having two rooms!
i furnished it myself.
i also help with the unpacking.
i need to make sure my things don't get lost!